Connected hits the airwaves

Connected hits the airwaves

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Matt Gilmartin, managing director of Concept Smoke Screen, recently "sat down with" Brian Sims, editor of Security Matters magazine and host of the Security Matters podcast, to discuss the Connected initiative and our campaign to change the way the industry thinks about crime prevention and the environment.

(Of course when we say "sat down with" what we really mean is they both sat in front of their respective computer screens with Microsoft Teams open - technically they were both sitting down as far as I know, but 'with' might be stretching it.)

Brian is a highly respected journalist and figure in the security industry, and we were thrilled when he offered his support to Connected last year and ran an in-depth feature on our launch .  

We're equally delighted that he has interviewed Matt for the Security Matters podcast, talking in more detail about what we've been doing with Connected and what we hope to achieve.

Naturally we'll let you know when the new episode is live. In the meantime, check out the previous episodes here .

Concept Smoke Screen

Security Industry Experts sharing their knowledge and a wealth of news from within the sector. Over four decades have passed since Smoke Screen manufactured the world's very first security smoke system.


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