Let's connect: Security and social research

Let's connect: Security and social research

Connected research project

Here at Connected we believe that it's time the security industry takes an active role in the real-world structural changes that can have an impact on the root causes of criminality. In our article 'It's time for the security industry to evolve', we called on security businesses to do more: to be proactive rather than reactive. To help create a society in which criminality is less appealing, because other opportunities are widely available and accessible.

To get the ball rolling, we'd love to hear from you about any social initiatives that you or your business is currently involved in. That might be working in your local community to provide youth clubs or facilities, helping the homeless or addicted, or anything else that makes a difference in the lives of those who may be vulnerable to being drawn into criminal activities.

If you are working to make a difference, we'd like to let others know about it, to provide inspiration for them to undertake similar projects themselves. Email us at connected@smoke-screen.co.uk or drop us a line on any of our social channels to let us know about your work.

Volunteering community project

Partnering on research projects

We also believe that security businesses need to start partnering with academics and researchers. Why? Because these partnerships can help contribute to the studies and trials which provide real social insights and test the impact of innovative policies and approaches to social intervention. This is the sort of research which can determine what sorts of changes would make an actual positive difference to those most likely to fall into criminality in other circumstances.

Partnering with researchers might take a variety of forms, which could be financial, technological, or assisting with volunteers or other resources. Each project is likely to be different, each avenue of inquiry likely to need different inputs.

We think that being involved in these sorts of studies or trials will provide first-hand experience of the programmes or policies which have the best potential to be effective, enabling security professionals to advocate for change from an informed position and offering a perspective that is perhaps unexpected by those making the ultimate policy and funding decisions.

Brainstorm committee

How can we go about making this happen? Our thinking is that this publication - the Connected site, email newsletter and social channels - can act as an initial connection point for security businesses and academic social research teams. We will, hopefully, share opportunities for partnership and collaboration, allowing interested parties to begin conversations about how they can work together.

In time it may be that a more dedicated database or resource is required, but we'll deal with that in due course.

For now, watch this space. We'll let you know how we get on. And if you are a researcher undertaking a project that would benefit from partnering with a security business - or you know someone who is - drop us a line at connected@smoke-screen.co.uk. Equally, if you're a security professional who is already working on social research projects, please get in touch - we'd love to hear about it.

Anthony Hildebrand

The editor of Connected, Anthony is a real good writer and journalist with a background in security and technology publishing. There’s every chance you met him at that thing that one time.


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